Kodu Game Lab is a 3D game development environment that is designed to teach kids basic programming principles. Kodu allows creators to build the world’s terrain, populate it with characters and props, and then program their behaviors and games rules in a bespoke visual programming language. Reference: https://www.kodugamelab.com/
Online platform for learning programming languages
There are plenty platforms online for learning programming languages. For example, Hackerrank and LeetCode can help for individual learning. For open source alternative, we can use exercism.org, checkio.org, and finally replit.com If you are looking for challenges, Google do has a CodeJam competition each year for your. Reference: https://www.hackerrank.com/ https://leetcode.com/ https://exercism.org/ https://checkio.org/ https://replit.com/ https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/codejam
MS PowerApps
Microsoft provided a power platform for integrating business solution in one platform. In particular, there is PowerApps for building an internal business app for an organization. The advantage is that there is no coding needed, and the downside is that you cannot program it. https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/ https://www.sqlshack.com/a-quick-overview-of-the-microsoft-power-platform/embed/#?secret=EVzMKxxLdm
Teaching Artificial Intelligence in K-12 (11 Jan 2022)
It is a research seminar by Rasperry Pi. Dave Touretzky (Carnegie Mellon University, AI4K12 Initiative) and Fred Martin (University of Massachusetts Lowell, AI4K12 Initiative) What should K-12 students know about artificial intelligence, and what should they be able to do with it? The AI4K12 Initiative (AI4K12.org) is a joint project of the Association for the… Continue reading Teaching Artificial Intelligence in K-12 (11 Jan 2022)
Learning marketing strategy from Steve jobs
Best marketing strategy ever! Steve Jobs talk about marketing strategy in terms of values instead of product details. The commercial ‘think different’
ACM – TechTalks
There is always new technologies happening in the world. Always try up with the latest technologies with TechTalks from ACM. https://learning.acm.org/techtalks